-211 -888 -552 114 -1000 759 -1000 -888 -211 -888 -552 114 -1000 759 -1000 -887 -211 -888 -552 114 -1000 759 -1000 -886 -211 -88
<50003788 bytes omitted>
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编号 | 题目 | 状态 | 分数 | 总时间 | 内存 | 代码 / 答案文件 | 提交者 | 提交时间 |
#25442 | #1138. ddd和鹦鹉 | Wrong Answer | 0 | 3201 ms | 444 K | C++ 11 / 1.8 K | Eric | 2020-05-01 21:47:39 |
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int crossproduct(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { return x1 * y2 - x2 * y1; }
bool isin(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int x3, int y3, int x, int y) {
printf("%d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d ", x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x, y);
if ((x == x1) && (y == y1))
return true;
if ((x == x2) && (y == y2))
return true;
if ((x == x3) && (y == y3))
return true;
int temp;
if (crossproduct(x1 - x2, y1 - y2, x1 - x3, y1 - y3) >= 0) {
temp = x3;
x3 = x2;
x2 = temp;
temp = y3;
y3 = y2;
y2 = temp;
if (crossproduct(x2 - x1, y2 - y1, x - x1, y - y1) < 0)
return false;
if (crossproduct(x3 - x2, y3 - y2, x - x2, y - y2) < 0)
return false;
if (crossproduct(x1 - x3, y1 - y3, x - x3, y - y3) < 0)
return false;
return true;
int dis(int x, int y, int x1, int y1) {
int dis = (x - x1) * (x - x1) + (y - y1) * (y - y1);
return dis;
int main() {
int ax, bx, cx, ay, by, cy;
cin >> ax >> ay >> bx >> by >> cx >> cy;
long int min = 10000000, ans[2];
int minx = ax, miny = ay, maxx = ax, maxy = ay;
if (minx > bx)
minx = bx;
if (minx > cx)
minx = cx;
if (maxx < bx)
maxx = bx;
if (maxx < cx)
maxx = cx;
if (miny > by)
miny = by;
if (miny > cy)
miny = cy;
if (maxy < by)
maxy = by;
if (maxy < cy)
maxy = cy;
for (int i = minx; i <= maxx; ++i)
for (int j = miny; j <= maxy; ++j) {
if (isin(ax, ay, bx, by, cx, cy, i, j) == false)
int u = 3 * dis(ax, ay, i, j);
int v = 2 * dis(bx, by, i, j);
int w = dis(cx, cy, i, j);
if (u + v + w < min) {
min = u + v + w;
ans[0] = i;
ans[1] = j;
cout << ans[0] << " " << ans[1];
return 0;
-211 -888 -552 114 -1000 759 -1000 -888 -211 -888 -552 114 -1000 759 -1000 -887 -211 -888 -552 114 -1000 759 -1000 -886 -211 -88
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Files user_out and answer differ
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900 570 -119 902 -15 327 -119 327 900 570 -119 902 -15 327 -119 328 900 570 -119 902 -15 327 -119 329 900 570 -119 902 -15 327 -
<19331015 bytes omitted>
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143 999 -171 -662 696 691 -171 -662 143 999 -171 -662 696 691 -171 -661 143 999 -171 -662 696 691 -171 -660 143 999 -171 -662 69
<49356101 bytes omitted>
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-498 -472 -789 470 701 656 -789 -472 -498 -472 -789 470 701 656 -789 -471 -498 -472 -789 470 701 656 -789 -470 -498 -472 -789 47
<59940119 bytes omitted>
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Files user_out and answer differ
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356 25 218 610 -269 875 -269 25 356 25 218 610 -269 875 -269 26 356 25 218 610 -269 875 -269 27 356 25 218 610 -269 875 -269 28
<17043562 bytes omitted>
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Files user_out and answer differ
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408 403 453 -659 -405 -338 -405 -659 408 403 453 -659 -405 -338 -405 -658 408 403 453 -659 -405 -338 -405 -657 408 403 453 -659
<32536574 bytes omitted>
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Files user_out and answer differ
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418 -178 954 -328 -600 743 -600 -328 418 -178 954 -328 -600 743 -600 -327 418 -178 954 -328 -600 743 -600 -326 418 -178 954 -328
<58924034 bytes omitted>
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Files user_out and answer differ
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-188 -598 684 -6 343 -341 -188 -598 -188 -598 684 -6 343 -341 -188 -597 -188 -598 684 -6 343 -341 -188 -596 -188 -598 684 -6 343
<18015651 bytes omitted>
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Files user_out and answer differ
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-295 -813 85 299 -431 323 -431 -813 -295 -813 85 299 -431 323 -431 -812 -295 -813 85 299 -431 323 -431 -811 -295 -813 85 299 -43
<20551781 bytes omitted>
Special Judge 信息
Files user_out and answer differ
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